Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy 40th Birthday Will!

We went to Jupiter to celebrate Will's birthday. I know... I forgot to get any pictures of Will, Ann, Chris or Billy...just pictures of the cold, cold beach. The cold beach where we left Charlie's diaper bag with all of his most prized possessions somewhere in the parking lot, but which was luckily recovered by Uncle Will later on and returned safely to Tampa a week later.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Playing Outside

Charlie really likes playing outside. Actually, he only likes playing outside and he is generally not a happy camper when he is stuck inside. It all started with his love of planes, but now he likes running around in his "cage," playing with the hose, swimming in the pool, going for rides in his car, basically anything that involves not being indoors.

Bath Time